"It's dangerous to go alone! Take this."
-Old Man
The Legend of Zelda
"Grumble, grumble..."
-Moblin, Level 7
The Legend of Zelda
-Old Man
The Legend of Zelda
-Old Man
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda
"So that this tragedy would never be forgotten, he ordered that every female child born into the royal household shall be given the name Zelda."
-Impa, relating the Legend of Zelda
Adventure of Link Manual
"Therefore, I have decided to cast a spell on all of Hyrule. A crest will appear on a young man with that character who has been brought up correctly, has gained many kinds of experiences and reached a certain age."
-King's scroll
Adventure of Link Manual
Adventure of Link
Adventure of Link
"The Hero's triumph on Cataclysm's Eve
Wins three symbols of virtue.
The Master Sword he will then retrieve,
Keeping the Knight's line true."
-Insciption on Master Sword's pedestal
A Link to the Past
"But what a mischievous thing to leave lying around... The Power Of Gold...
-Talking Tree in the Dark World
A Link to the Past
"May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce."
A Link to the Past
"If a person who has an evil heart gets the Triforce, a Hero is destined to appear... and he alone must face the person who began the Great Cataclysm. If the evil one destroys the Hero, nothing can save the world from his wicked reign. Only a person of the Knights Of Hyrule, who protected the royalty of Hylia, can become the Hero..."
-Prophecy of the Great Cataclysm, as told by the Maiden in the Swamp Palace
A Link to the Past
"Once Ganon enters the Light World, it is unlikely that anyone can stop him."
-Princess Zelda
A Link to the Past
"Well, my mind is getting hazy... Please let me hear the sound of the flute one last time."
-Flute Boy
A Link to the Past
"According to the Hylian Scrolls, the mythical gods descended from a distant nebula to the world that was and created life."
The Creation of Hyrule
A Link to the Past Manual
"The God of Power dyed the mountains red with fire and created land. The God of Wisdom created science and wizardry and brought order to nature. And the God of Courage, through justice and vigor, created life – the animals that crawl the land and the bids that soar in the sky."
-The Creation of Hyrule
A Link to the Past Manual
"After the gods had finished their work, they left the world, but not before creating a symbol of their strength, a golden triangle known as the Triforce. A small but powerful portion of the essence of the gods was held in this mighty artifact, which was to guide intelligent life on the world of Hyrule."
-The Creation of Hyrule
A Link to the Past Manual
"Although it was an inanimate object, the Triforce had the power to bestow three titles which gave the person who received them great powers: 'The Forger of Strength,' 'The Keeper of Knowledge,' and 'The Juror of Courage.'"
-The Creation of Hyrule
A Link to the Past Manual
"In Hyrule, there are many Hylian buildings which are mentioned repeatedly in the legends. These buildings, which now lie in ruin, pale shadows of their former splendor, are closely tied to the Triforce. Some were said to house the Triforce itself…"
-Gates to the Golden Land
A Link to the Past Manual
"In a realm beyond sight,
the sky shines gold, not blue.
There, the Triforce’s might
Makes mortal dreams come true."
-Excerpt from the Book of Mudora
A Link to the Past Manual
"…yearning for the Triforce soon turned to lust for power, which in turn led to the spilling of blood. Soon the only motive left among those searching for the Triforce was pure greed."
-Gates to the Golden Land
A Link to the Past Manual
"This land was like no other. In the gathering twilight, the Triforce shone from it’s resting place high above the world."
-Gates to the Golden Land
A Link to the Past Manual
"After vanquishing his own followers, the leader stood triumphant over the Triforce and grasped it with his blood-stained hands. He heard a whispered voice : 'If thou has a strong desire or dream, wish for it…' And in reply, the roaring laughter of the brigand leader echoed across time and space and even reached the far-off land of Hyrule."
-Gates to the Golden Land
A Link to the Past Manual
"The name of this king of thieves is Ganondorf Dragmire, but he is known by his alias, Mandrag Ganon, which means Ganon of the Enchanted Thieves."
-Gates to the Golden Land
A Link to the Past Manual
"Suspecting that Ganon’s power was based on the Triforce’s magic, the people of Hyrule forged a sword resistant to magic which could repulse even powers granted by the Triforce."
-The Imprisoning War
A Link to the Past Manual
"This mighty weapon became known as the blade of evil’s bane, or the Master Sword. It was so powerful that only one who was pure of heart and strong of body could wield it."
-The Imprisoning War
A Link to the Past Manual
"As the Seven Wise Men searched for a valiant person to take up the Master Sword, Ganon’s evil army swarmed from the tainted Golden Land into Hyrule and attacked the castle. The wise men and the Knights of Hyrule combined forces to wage war on this evil horde."
-The Imprisoning War
A Link to the Past Manual
"The Knights took the full brunt of the fierce attack, and although they fought courageously, many a brave soul was lost that day. However, their lives were not lost in vain, for they bought precious time for the Seven Wise Men to magically seal Ganon in the Golden Land."
-The Imprisoning War
A Link to the Past Manual
"And the Master Sword sleeps again... Forever!"
A Link to the Past
"After Agahnim took over, everyone began to act strangely.
I suppose it's only a matter of time before I'm affected, too."
-Guard at Hyrule Castle
A Link to the Past
"The man who last claimed the Power Of Gold wished for this world. It reflects his heart.
Yes, I came here because of greed for the Golden Power, and look what happened to me..."
-Talking Tree in the Dark World
A Link to the Past
"To restore the Golden Land, a person worthy of the Golden Power must defeat the man who created this place..."
-Talking Tree in the Dark World
A Link to the Past
"You are perhaps the last one to carry on the blood-line of the Knights... It is ironic that the last one in the line has the potential to become the Hero of legend. "
-Maiden in Gargoyles' Domain
A Link to the Past
"This is it! The Master Sword!
... ... ...
No, this can't be it... Too bad."
-When you pick up the fake Master Swords
A Link to the Past
"Ever vigilant, you decided to journey away from Hyrule on a quest for enlightenment, in search of wisdom that would make you better able to withstand the next threat to your homeland."
Link's Awakening Manual
"We were born of nightmares... To take over this world, we made the Wind Fish sleep endlessly! If the Wind Fish doesn't wake up, this island will never disappear! We would have been the masters of this place..."
Link's Awakening
"This island is going to dis-appear... Our world is going to disappear... Our world... Our... world..."
Link's Awakening
"The last thing I kin remember was bitin' into a big juicy toad-stool..."
Link's Awakening
"Double double, toil and trouble, a toadstool mix makes powder for tricks!"
Link's Awakening
"You got Marin! Is this your big chance?"
-When Marin agrees to go with you to Animal Village.
Link's Awakening
"Bow & Arrow Set
Only 980 Rupees!"
-When you examine the bow in the shop
Link's Awakening
"I wasn't kidding when I said pay! Now, you'll pay the ultimate price!!"
-The Shopkeeper, if you return to his shop after stealing
Link's Awakening
"You've got a Shovel! Now you can feel the joy of digging!"
-When you get a shovel
Link's Awakening
"The Wind Fish sleeps long and dreamily in the Egg above..."
-The Owl
Link's Awakening
"The many monsters of this island fear that the Wind Fish is about to awaken! The monsters' power is real! They may conquer the island and destroy their foes!"
-The Owl
Link's Awakening
"The time has come... The Wind Fish awaits... Enter the Egg..."
-The Owl
Link's Awakening
-The Windfish
Link's Awakening
-The Windfish
Link's Awakening
-The Windfish
Link's Awakening
-The Windfish
Link's Awakening
-Inscription in Southern Face Shrine
Link's Awakening
"Well, I never! I thought you looked cowardly, but... Please, leave me... just get out here!"
-Richard, if you refuse to help him.
Link's Awakening
"You traded [hibiscus] for a goat's letter! ...Great!?"
-Trading Game
Link's Awakening
"Chickens these days don't have the fighting spirit they used to!"
-Chicken coop guy
Link's Awakening
"You must be an assassin sent by Madam MeowMeow to rescue the mutt!"
-Boss Moblin
Link's Awakening
"Thank you for everything! Link , you are the kindest boy I know. One day I made a wish to the Wind Fish... What was the wish? It was... No, it's secret!"
Link's Awakening
"I wonder where these coconut trees come from? ...Tarin says there is nothing beyond the sea, but I believe there must be something over there... When I discovered you, Link , my heart skipped a beat! I thought, this person has come to give us a message..."
Link's Awakening
"If I was a sea gull, I would fly as far as I could! I would fly to far away places and sing for many people! ...If I wish to the Wind Fish, I wonder if my dream will come true..."
Link's Awakening
"... ... ... ...
Say... Link ...
Uhh... I don't know how to say this... but...
Hunh?! Tarin??!
... ... ... ...
Uh... Nevermind, I... I gotta go!"
Link's Awakening
"'Fun With Bombs'"
-Title of a Book in the Mabe Library
Link's Awakening
"Mysterious Forest
(It's a little bit mysterious)"
-Sign at entrance to Mysterious Forest
Link's Awakening
-Owl Statue
Link's Awakening
-Owl Statue
Link's Awakening
-Owl Statue
Link's Awakening
-Owl Statue
Link's Awakening
"They say the 'Ballad of the Wind Fish' is a song of awakening. I wonder, if the Wind Fish wakes up, will he make my wish come true? "
Link's Awakening
"Link , some day you will leave this island... I just know it in my heart... ...Don't ever forget me... If you do, I'll never forgive you!"
Link's Awakening
"Link, do you always look into other people's drawers?"
Link's Awakening
"Malevolent forces even now are mustering to attack our land of Hyrule... For so long, the Kokiri Forest, the source of life, has stood as a barrier, deterring outsiders and maintaining the order of the world... But...before this tremendous evil power, even my power is as nothing..."
-Deku Tree
Ocarina of Time
"It seems the time has come for the boy without a fairy to begin his journey... The youth whose destiny it is to lead Hyrule to the path of justice and truth... Navi...go now! Find our young friend and guide him to me... I do not have much time left. Fly, Navi, fly! The fate of the forest, nay, the world, depends upon thee!"
-Deku Tree
Ocarina of Time
"Din... With her strong flaming arms, she cultivated the land and created the red earth. Nayru... Poured her wisdom onto the earth and gave the spirit of law to the world. Farore... With her rich soul, produced all life forms who would uphold the law."
-Creation Myth
Ocarina of Time
"Have you heard the legend of the 'Shadow Folk'? They are the Sheikah...the shadows of the Hylians. They say they swore allegiance to the King of Hyrule and guarded the Royal Family. But with the long peace, no on has seen a Sheikah around here for a long time."
-Old Man in Hyrule Castle Town
Ocarina of Time
"In the dream, dark storm clouds were billowing over the land of Hyrule... But suddenly, a ray of light shot out of the forest, parted the clouds and lit up the ground... The light turned into a figure holding a green and shining stone, followed by a fairy..."
-Zelda's Prophecy
Ocarina of Time
"I wish I could roll down the mountain like a rock, with a Bomb Flower and... BOOOOOOM! If I could do that with a Bomb Flower, I could become a real man."
-Goron rolling down Death Mountain
Ocarina of Time
"Here lies the souls of those who swore fealty to the Royal Family of Hyrule. The Sheikah, guardians of the Royal Family and founders of Kakariko, watch over these spirits in their eternal slumber."
-Inscription on monument in Kakariko Graveyard
Ocarina of Time
"All the people in this village are born to serve the Royal Family of Hyrule. We brothers also served the Royal Family, and we were assigned to study the hereditary mystic powers of the family. Though we never could figure out the power of the Triforce, we had almost completed our study of controlling time with the tones of ocarinas."
-Ghost of Sharp the Elder
Ocarina of Time
"Back then, people called us great composers because of the many musical masterpieces we wrote. But we brothers were not just composers. We had a mission to analyze the mysterious powers of Hyrule's Royal Family. Our names would be part of Hyrule's history if we could complete our research! We kept our study extremely secret until we completed it. To tell the truth, each of us was studying a different song, one to summon the sun and another to summon the moon."
-Ghost of Sharp the Younger
Ocarina of Time
"The rising sun will eventually set,
A newborn's life will fade.
From sun to moon, moon to sun...
Give peaceful rest to the living dead."
-Inscription in the Tomb of the Royal Family
Ocarina of Time
"Restless souls wander
where they don't belong,
bring them calm with
the Sun's Song."
-Inscription in the Tomb of the Royal Family
Ocarina of Time
"Sleepless Waterfall
The flow of this waterfall serves the King of Hyrule. When the King slumbers, so too do these falls."
-Inscription in front of the Sleepless Waterfall
Ocarina of Time
"The Temple of Light, situated in the very center of the Sacred Realm, is the last stronghold against Ganondorf's evil forces."
Ocarina of Time
"His evil power radiated from the temples of Hyrule, and in seven short years, it transformed Hyrule into a world of monsters. My power now has only little influence, even in this Sacred Realm... Namely, this Chamber of Sages. But there is still hope... The power of the Sages remains. When the power of all the Sages is awakened... The Sages' Seals will contain all the evil power in the void of the Realm..."
Ocarina of Time
"When evil rules all, an awakening voice from the Sacred Realm will call those destined to be Sages, who dwell in the five temples.
Together with the Hero of Time, the awakened ones will bind the evil and return the light of peace to the world..."
Ocarina of Time
"If I looked as good as you, I could run a different kind of business...heh he heh..."
-Poe Shop Owner
Ocarina of Time
"A long time ago... There was a man in this very village who had an eye they said could see the truth! Now usually, you have to train your mind's eye most strenuously to actually see the truth... But this fella, no, they say he had a different way of doing things... His house stood where the well is now..."
-Old Man in Kakariko Village.
Ocarina of Time
"Folks around here tell of a fabulously rich family that once lived in one of the houses in this village... But they say that the entire family was cursed due to their greed! Who knows what might happen to those who are consumed by greed..."
-Old Man in Kakariko Village
Ocarina of Time
"OK... I trust you. When I see you... I don't know why, but I remember...
Ocarina of Time
"The flow of time is always cruel... Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that doesn't change with time is a memory of younger days..."
Ocarina of Time
"One day, to escape from the fires of the war, a Hylian mother and her baby boy entered this forbidden forest. The mother was gravely injured... Her only choice was to entrust the child to the Deku Tree, the guardian spirit of the forest. The Deku Tree could sense that this was a child of destiny, whose fate would affect the entire world, so he took him into the forest."
-Deku Tree Sprout
Ocarina of Time
"Oh...I see... Saria won't ever come back... But...I...I made a promise to Saria... If Link came back, I would be sure to tell him that Saria had been waiting for him... Because Saria...really...
Hey, you. If you see him somewhere, please let him know... And also...
I'm sorry for being mean to him.
Tell him that, too."
Ocarina of Time
"How could you do this to me? You, you're Ganondorf's servant! Hear my name and tremble! I am Link! Hero of the Gorons!"
-Link of the Gorons
Ocarina of Time
"Dad named me Link after you, because you're so brave! It's a cool name! I really like it! Link, you're a hero to us Gorons! I'm so glad to meet you! Please give me your autograph! Sign it: 'To my friend,
Link of the Gorons.'"
-Link of the Gorons
Ocarina of Time
"A long time ago there was an evil dragon named Volvagia living in this mountain. That dragon was very scary! He ate Gorons! Using a huge hammer, the hero of the Gorons... BOOOM! Destroyed it just like that."
-Link of the Gorons
Ocarina of Time
"It is something that grows over time... a true friendship. A feeling in the heart that becomes stronger over time... The passion of friendship will soon blossom into a righteous power and through it, you will know which way to go..."
Ocarina of Time
"You turned out to be a real man, just as I thought you would! By the way, I, the wild Darunia, turned out to be the great Sage of Fire... Isn't that funny, Brother? Well, this must be what they call destiny. Nothing has made me happier than helping you seal the evil here!"
Ocarina of Time
"Mr. Ingo is just using the ranch to gain Ganondorf's favor... Everyone seems to be turning evil... But Dad... He was kicked out of the ranch by Mr. Ingo... If I disobey Mr. Ingo, he will treat the horses so badly... So... There's nothing I can do..."
Ocarina of Time
"Do you know my mother's song? Everyone really liked that song... My dad... Even Mr. Ingo... But...since Ganondorf appeared, Mr. Ingo has changed completely. I can remember the good old days only while I sing the song."
Ocarina of Time
"Oh, I have to tell you about Mr. Ingo... He was afraid that the Evil King might find out that Epona had been taken away... It really upset him! But one day, all of a sudden, he went back to being a normal, nice person! Now my dad is coming back...I can't believe it, but peace is returning to this ranch! It's all because of you! I owe you so much! Thank you! Thank you, Link!"
Ocarina of Time
"Time passes, people move.... Like a river's flow, it never ends... A childish mind will turn to noble ambition... Young love will become deep affection... The clear water's surface reflects growth... Now listen to the Serenade of Water to reflect upon yourself...."
Ocarina of Time
"This is the melody that will draw you into the infinite darkness that absorbs even time... Listen to this, the Nocturne of Shadow!!"
Ocarina of Time
"Shadow Temple...
Here is gathered Hyrule's bloody history of greed and hatred..."
-Voices in the Shadow Temple
Ocarina of Time
"We Sheikah have served the royalty of Hyrule from generation to generation as attendants. However... On that day seven years ago, Ganondorf suddenly attacked... and Hyrule Castle surrendered after a short time. Ganondorf's target was one of the keys to the Sacred Realm...the hidden treasure of the Royal Family... The Ocarina of Time!"
Ocarina of Time
"Soon, you'll meet Princess Zelda face-to-face, and she will explain everything... That is when we, the six Wise Ones, will seal up the Evil King and return peace to Hyrule."
Ocarina of Time
"Past, present, future...
The Master Sword is a ship with which you can sail upstream and downstream through time's river... The port for that ship is in the Temple of Time..."
Ocarina of Time
"A long time in this world is almost nothing to you, is it? How mysterious! Even I thought that the tales of a boy who could travel back and forth through time was merely a legend. Link, you have fully matured as an adult. From now on, the future of all the people in Hyrule is on your shoulders. Maybe it's not my time anymore."
-Kaepora Gaebora
Ocarina of Time
"With my flame, I will burn him to the bone!
With my frost, I will freeze him to his soul!"
-Koume and Kotake
Ocarina of Time
"'But I'm only 400 years old!' 'And I'm just 380 years old!' 'We're twins! Don't try to lie about your age!' 'You must have gone senile!' 'Who are you calling senile?! Is that how you treat your older sister?' 'We are twins! How can you be older?' 'Keeeyaaah!! How heartless you are!' 'How can you be so ungrateful?'"
-Koume and Kotake
Ocarina of Time
"If only I knew you would become such a handsome man... I should have kept the promise I made back then..."
Ocarina of Time
"The resting place of the sacred triangle, the Sacred Realm, is a mirror that reflects what is in the heart... the heart of one who enters it... If an evil heart, the Realm will become full of evil; if pure, the Realm will become a paradise."
Ocarina of Time
"If the heart of the one who holds the sacred triangle has all three forces in balance, that one will gain the True Force to govern all. But, if that one's heart is not in balance, the Triforce will separate into three parts: Power, Wisdom and Courage."
Ocarina of Time
"The Triforce parts are resonating... They are combining into one again... The two Triforce parts that I could not capture on that day seven years ago... I didn't expect they would be hidden within you two! And now, finally, all the Triforce parts have gathered here! These toys are too much for you! I command you to return them to me!"
Ocarina of Time
"Ganondorf... pitiful man... Without a strong, righteous mind, he could not control the power of the gods..."
Ocarina of Time
Someday... When this seal is broken.... That is when I will exterminate your descendants!! As long as the Triforce of Power is in my hand...."
Ocarina of Time
"Now, go home, Link. Regain your lost time! Home... where you are supposed to be... the way you are supposed to be... Thank you... Link... Good-bye."
Ocarina of Time
"They say that, contrary to her elegant image, Princess Zelda of Hyrule Castle is, in fact, a tomboy!"
-Gossip Stone
Ocarina of Time
"They say that Gerudo sometimes come to Hyrule Castle Town to look for boyfriends."
-Gossip Stone
Ocarina of Time
"They say that Malon of Lon Lon Ranch hopes a knight in shining armor will come and sweep her off her feet someday."
-Gossip Stone
Ocarina of Time
"They say that the owl named Kaepora Gaebora is the reincarnation of an ancient Sage."
-Gossip Stone
Ocarina of Time
"They say that players who select the 'HOLD' option for 'Z TARGETING' are the real 'Zelda players!'"
-Gossip Stone
Ocarina of Time
"It's over...it's finally over... "
-Princess Zelda
Ocarina of Time
"Can Hyrule's destiny really depend on such a lazy boy?"
Ocarina of Time
"C'mon...don't be a blabber-mouth!"
-Young Zelda
Ocarina of Time
"When peace returns to Hyrule... It will be time for us to say good-bye..."
Ocarina of Time
"All right! You actually decided to become a Zora! Are you actually ready to marry me now? "
-Ruto, if you're wearing the Zora Mask
Ocarina of Time
"Oh brother! I suppose boys will be boys..."
-Malon, if you're wearing the Mask of Truth
Ocarina of Time
"Man, I am SO tired! The night watch is so boring! I wish some ghosts would come out or something... Hey, I'm really interested in ghosts! Studying them is a hobby of mine, but you never know...the time might come when that kind of knowledge might be useful!"
Ocarina of Time
"Huff huff! I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!"
-Running Man
Ocarina of Time
"Link... I'm sorry I couldn't help you in the battle before! There's no way he's going to hold me back again! This time, we fight together! !"
Ocarina of Time
"It is rumored that the Great Deku Tree is bothered by the fact that he can't scratch his nose."
-Gossip Stone
Ocarina of Time Manga
"Can the future of Hyrule really depend on such a lazy boy?!"
Ocarina of Time
"I give you... my eternal love!"
Ocarina of Time
"Link... I'm sorry I couldn't help you in the battle before! There's no way he's going to hold me back again! This time, we fight together! !"
Ocarina of Time
"Hey, you! You've got the talent to be one of the world's best cowboys! How'd you like to marry Malon? Huh?"
Ocarina of Time
"It is rumored that the Great Deku Tree is bothered by the fact that he can't scratch his nose."
-Gossip Stone
Ocarina of Time Manga
"You borrowed a Gerudo Mask. Wear it with © to show it off! This mask will make you look like...a girl?"
-When you borrow a Gerudo Mask
Ocarina of Time
"You found the Megaton Hammer! Press (C) to smash and break junk!"
-When you find the Megaton Hammer
Ocarina of Time\
"You received Zelda's Letter! Wow! This letter has Princess Zelda's autograph!"
-When you receive Princess Zelda's Letter
Ocarina of Time
"What is hidden in the darkness... Tricks full of ill will... You can't see the way forward..."
-Spirits in the Shadow Temple
Ocarina of Time
"Dark! Narrow! Scary!
Well of Three Features "
-Sign in front of Well
Ocarina of Time
"They say that Gerudos worship Ganondorf almost like a god."
-Gossip Stone
Ocarina of Time
"Without a fairy, you're not even a real man!"
Ocarina of Time
"Mido said that the Great Deku Tree withered because that boy did something wrong to it... Only Saria defended Link--until she left."
Ocarina of Time
"I have you now! In this gap between dreams and reality, soon all that will remain of you will be your dead body!"
-Unused dialogue that we found in the text dump
Ocarina of Time
"I will give you a Zora Tunic as a token of my thanks. If you have this, you can... What?! You already have one? You're ready for anything, aren't you! With my heartfelt thanks...how about a KISS?! What? You don't want it?! Oh well... "
-King Zora
Ocarina of Time
"Jumping is going out of style now. I'm crazy about doing backflips!"
Ocarina of Time
"Anybody who comes into the forest will be lost. Everybody will become a Stalfos. Everybody, Stalfos."
-Kokiri Girl
Ocarina of Time
"Eh, what's that?!Oh, you have a Deku Shield... And what's THAT?! Is that the Kokiri Sword?! GOOD GRIEF!!
Well, even with all that stuff, a wimp is still a wimp, huh?"
Ocarina of Time
"All my young Deku Scrub brothers say... You have a horrible face!"
-Deku in the Mask Grotto
Ocarina of Time
"This is Link... He is under my orders to save Hyrule. "
-Zelda's Note
Ocarina of Time
"I bet with those long ears you can hear the voices... Oh, these are genuine rabbit ears from the animal of legend!"
-Running Man
Ocarina of Time
"I want to become a rabbit... Listen to the wind with those ears, hop across the ground with those legs... Even if I can only pretend."
-Running Man
Ocarina of Time
"Hey, you! You've got the talent to be one of the world's best cowboys! How'd you like to marry Malon? Huh? Haw haw! I was just kidding! "
-Talon, after winning the Cuccoo-catching minigame
Ocarina of Time
Come on! Come on! Come on!
What a hot beat!
Ocarina of Time
"If that fire-breathing dragon escapes from the mountain, all of Hyrule will become a burning wasteland!"
Ocarina of Time
"It is said that the clouds surrounding this peak reflect the condition of Death Mountain. When they look normal, it is at peace."
-Kaepora Gaebora
Ocarina of Time
"These eyeballs are so delicious! Tonight I will cook fried eyeballs for the first time in a long time! Uhoy hoy hoo houy hoy!"
-Scientist at Lakeside Laboratory
Ocarina of Time
"I will give you a Zora Tunic as a token of my thanks. If you have this, you can... What?! You already have one? You're ready for anything, aren't you! With my heartfelt thanks...how about a KISS?! What? You don't want it?! Oh well... "
-King Zora
Ocarina of Time
"Wow! You have a Rumble Pak! Today, you can feel the vibration, young man! "
Ocarina of Time
"What? What are you doing to me?! "
Ocarina of Time
"What? Do you want to know some fishing secrets? I can't tell you any. They are company secrets. Seriously! "
Ocarina of Time
"You want to know if I'm a good fisherman? Of course I am! I'm an old pro! Do you know what a pro is? I'm telling you the truth! "
Ocarina of Time
"Hey, what are you doing? I told you not to do that! You're terrible! Seriously! Give me back my hat!"
Ocarina of Time
"OH YEAHHH!! That's it, that's the tune!! You rock!! I'm blown away! Oh, no, no! I didn't forget the song...I never forget anything! But I just feel like rewarding you, baby!"
-Bonooru the Scarecrow
Ocarina of Time
YOU KILLED ME...Unbelievable!"
-Composer Brother
Ocarina of Time
I'M DEAD AGAIN! What? You again?"
-Composer Brother
Ocarina of Time
"Dampé the Gravekeeper's Heart-Pounding Gravedigging Tour!
What's gonna come out?!
What's gonna come out?!
When I start digging, we'll find out! "
Ocarina of Time
"On that day seven years ago, Ganondorf suddenly attacked... and Hyrule Castle surrendered after a short time. "
Ocarina of Time
"They're all worthless, I tell you!! "
-Boss of the Carpenters
Ocarina of Time
"Oh, too bad...were you pecked by a Cucco when you were little? "
-Cuccoo lady, if you decline her offer of an egg
Ocarina of Time
"They say that there is no medicine that can cure a fool... I guess that's true... "
-Potion Shop Witch
Ocarina of Time
"People are disgusting. My own father and mother are disgusting. You must be disgusting, too! "
-Depressed Teen in Kakariko
Ocarina of Time
"Today's special is... A dangerous, running object! Terrifying! I won't tell you what it is until I see the money.... How about 200 Rupees? "
-Magic Carpet Merchant, trying to sell Bombchus
Ocarina of Time
"Man, I am SO bored... Things would sure be more interesting if there were more... troubles in the world... "
-Guard in the gatehouse in Hyrule Castle Town
Ocarina of Time
"Ahem! Hrrrm! This beard is my pride and joy! Doesn't it look luxuriant, kid?! "
-Hyrule Market Villager
Ocarina of Time
"Link... Don't be alarmed... Look at yourself...! "
Ocarina of Time
"Link! Finish him off with the sword of time, the Master Sword! "
Ocarina of Time
"Ancient Creators of Hyrule! Now, open the sealed door and send the Evil Incarnation of Darkness into the void of the Evil Realm!! "
Ocarina of Time
"Oh sealed door opened by the Sages... Close forever with the Evil Incarnation of Darkness within!! "
-Unused dialogue we found in the text dump
Ocarina of Time
"Thanks to you, Ganondorf has been sealed inside the Evil Realm! Thus, peace will once again reign in this world...for a time. "
Ocarina of Time
"I am Sheik. Survivor of the Sheikahs... "
Ocarina of Time
"All the tragedy that has befallen Hyrule was my doing... I was so young...I could not comprehend the consequences of trying to control the Sacred Realm."
Ocarina of Time
"With this mask you can see into other people's minds... It's useful, but scary! Why is it scary? You may find out as you grow older... Ho ho ho! "
-Happy Mask Salesman
Ocarina of Time
"AAAAAAAAAAAH! A GERUDO!!!! Wha-? A mask? Why do you have a mask like that?! "
-Villager, if you wear the Gerudo Mask
Ocarina of Time
"If I wore something like that... I'd be a real Skulltula... AAAAAAAAAAH! "
-cursed Skulltula family, if you wear the skull mask
Ocarina of Time
"Hah! That mask won't do you any good! You're just afraid of me, the great Mido...aren't you?! "
Ocarina of Time
"Hey, that reminds me of my wife... On second thought, it doesn't... It doesn't look like her at all! "
-Talon, if you wear the Gerudo Mask
Ocarina of Time
"You shouldn't be so picky about what you eat! Do you eat all your green rocks? If you don't, you won't grow up big and strong! "
-A Goron, if you wear the Goron Mask
Ocarina of Time
"You're such a people lover!"
Majora's Mask Manga
"You put the Deku princess in a bottle!
It's a tight fit, but she says she'll be fine if you hurry."
-When you put the Deku Princess in a bottle
Majora's Mask
"It's strange, but the way you look right now sort of looks like this tree...
It looks all dark and gloomy... almost like it could start crying any second now... How sad..."
-Tatl, when you examine the tortured tree at beginning of game
Majora's Mask
"Umm, Mommy... Don't go picking up bomb bags in the middle of the night anymore.
It's like asking to be mugged."
-Bomb Shop Guy
Majora's Mask
"Actually, when I see you, I am reminded of my son who left home long ago... Somehow, I feel as if I am once again racing with my son.."
-Deku Butler
Majora's Mask
"I am afraid I may have tried too hard to outrun you. As old as I am, I am still a fast competitor. Just like when I raced my son... Please forgive my rudeness."
-Deku Butler
Majora's Mask
"I wonder where he has gone...what he is doing... If only he would write me a letter... Pardon me. Once again, thoughts of my son have me feeling sentimental. Now, where were we?"
-Deku Butler
Majora's Mask
"Wha!!! That's my son! Eesh...Is he still doing that sort of thing?"
-Tingle's Father if you show him a pictograph of Tingle
Majora's Mask
"But could you tell my son something for me?
...Could you, uh, please ask him not to go outside in that outfit anymore?"
-Tingle's Father, the pictograph contest guy
Majora's Mask
"The right thing.. what is it? I wonder, if you do the right thing, does it really make everyone happy?"
-Child on the Moon
Majora's Mask
"Tingle, Tingle! Kooloo-Limpah!"
-Tingle's magic words
Majora's Mask
It's miiiilk...
Can you get tipsy from something like milk?!? Hic!"
-Gorman Brother
Majora's Mask
"I...I shall consume. Consume...Consume everything."
Majora's Mask
"A puppet that can no longer be used is mere garbage."
-Majora's Mask
Majora's Mask
"Your true face... What kind of... face is it? I wonder... The face under the mask... Is that... your true face?"
-Child on the Moon
Majora's Mask
"Cremia: Pleased to meet you!
Romani: You're cute!
Cremia: Hey now, Romani!
That's rude to our guest!
Romani: Yes, sister... "
-Cremia and Romani
Majora's Mask
"My sister, Cremia, has someone in town she likes...
But that person is supposed to get married the day of the carnival. It's hard for my sister... Going into town... "
Majora's Mask
"You did it! You helped Cremia! You feel all warm and fuzzy!"
-Message (in pink text) after you help Cremia
Majora's Mask
"The Kafei we're looking for is an adult. When I look at you, I just see a child. "
Majora's Mask
"I am not stinky! I take a bath at least once a month!"
-Sword Master
Majora's Mask
"Ohh, how adorable! Let me tug on your long ears... Ahem... If you study the way of the sword here, you'll get your bunny dirty, so put it away."
-Sword Master
Majora's Mask
"It looks like this is it for this town, you know. You saw the moon, didn't you? It's gotten so huge. All the townsfolk have fled. You should flee, too. Far away..."
-Madame Aroma
Majora's Mask
"It may be my undoing, but I'm the sort of fellow who will stay at his business through thick and thin. And I continue standing here at the counter hoping one of my favorite customers will appear. And I wasn't wrong. See? You stopped in."
-Mr. Barten
Majora's Mask
"Whenever there's a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever. Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time. . . That is up to you."
-Happy Mask Salesman
Majora's Mask
"The thousand years of raindrops summoned by my song are my tears, the thunder that strikes the earth is my anger!"
-Flat of the Composer Brothers
Majora's Mask
"...sleep gently to the melody of darkness that the great composer, Sharp, shall play... and join the ranks of the dead. "
-Sharp of the Composer Brothers
Majora's Mask
"With this song, you will summon a soldier with no soul... "
-King Ikana
Majora's Mask
"I wonder, did my wife flee?"
-Mutoh, leader of the carpenters when you interrupt his argument with the guard captain
Majora's Mask
-Deku, at Clock Town's Deku Scrub Game after you beat the record of every day, and return
Majora's Mask
"Friends are a good thing to have... hehehe"
-Skull Kid
Majora's Mask
"I wish I could go to a tropical southern island."
"I want to ride a plane. Anywhere's fine."
"The people believed that the Hero of Time would again come to save them. ...But the hero did not appear.
Faced by an onslaught of evil, the people could do nothing but appeal to the gods. In their last hour, as doom drew nigh, they left their future in the hands of fate. What became of that kingdom...? None remain who know."
The Wind Waker
"The memory of the kingdom vanished, but its legend survived on the wind's breath. On a certain island, it became customary to garb boys in green when they came of age. Clothed in the green of fields, they aspired to find heroic blades and cast down evil. The elders wished only for the youths to know courage like the hero of legend..."
The Wind Waker
"These are special clothes...made of a special fabric that only the honest can see!
What's the matter? Why the long face? You CAN see them, can't you? Hm hm hm..."
-Link's Grandma (second quest) when she gives you your new outfit.
The Wind Waker
"Well, tonight I'm going to invite the whole town over for your birthday party, so I'd better start getting ready, shouldn't I?"
The Wind Waker
"Wow. What's with that get-up? Well, whatever. So, where am I...?"
The Wind Waker
"We're pirates! You know... PIRATES! The terror of the seas!
What do we get out of bringing some helpless little kid along with us? I'll tell you what we get...a headache."
The Wind Waker
"Wow, that's a decrepit old shield... Are you sure you can still use that thing? Are you going to get splinters and cry?"
The Wind Waker
"You watch everything I'm about to show you real careful-like so you can cram it into your no-doubt mushy swabbie brain!"
The Wind Waker
"It will probably take you at least one year before you're good enough to make it all the way here. One rough year. One tough year, full of bumps and bruises."
The Wind Waker
"Whaaaaat!?? You did it already???
I... I... I'm proud to have you as... As my... As my underling!"
The Wind Waker
"You are surprisingly dull-witted..."
-The King of Red Lions
"Goodness! Did you feel my telepathy?! That's why you saved me, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it?"
The Wind Waker
"Please, Mr. Fairy... Rescue poor Tingle from this place and take him to where you and your kind live in splendor!"
The Wind Waker
"Now, no matter how far we travel from this dingy cell, our souls will be as one!"
-Tingle, when he gives you the Tingle Tuner
The Wind Waker
"It saddens me to say that my brother, Cyclos, is miffed about his monument here being broken, and how he spends his time creating cyclones to torment people with."
The Wind Waker
"Forests hold great power--they can change one tiny island into a much larger island. Soon, a day will come when all the islands are one, connected by earth and grove."
-The Great Deku Tree
The Wind Waker
"Good work, Gonzo! Really! Just top notch! It's funny, though... I'm thinking this is maybe the first time you've shown such wit... Such cunning..."
The Wind Waker
"Oh, I get it now! You came back because you missed me so much!
I had no idea you wanted to be my swabbie so badly!"
The Wind Waker
You're the best swabbie of all time! So...I guess I'll just give you the bombs! Go on! Take 'em!"
The Wind Waker
"...But you have the Master Sword!
That sword shall shine in the darkness, casting back evil... With it in your hands, none can keep you from rescuing your sister!"
-The King of Red Lions
The Wind Waker
"...it is too soon for us to relax. Ganon cannot be destroyed by such simple means as wrath and fire."
The Wind Waker
"When the gods heard our pleas, they chose to seal away not only Ganon, but Hyrule itself...and so, with a torrential downpour of rains from the heavens...
Our fair kingdom was soon buried beneath the waves, forgotten at the bottom of the ocean."
-Daphnes Nohanson Hyrule
The Wind Waker
"When the Hero of Time was called to embark on another journey and left the land of Hyrule, he was separated from the elements that made him a hero."
-King of Red Lions
The Wind Waker
"I am a Zora sage. For an age, I offered my prayers here in the Earth Temple, praying that the power to repel evil would ever remain within the Master Sword."
The Wind Waker
"After his defeat at the hands of the Hero of Time, Ganondorf was sealed away...but not for all time. He was revived, and he returned to Hyrule in a red wrath."
The Wind Waker
"You must find the one who carries on my bloodline... The one who holds this sacred instrument..."
The Wind Waker
"Nothing can stop the flow of time or the passing of generations...but the fate carried within my bloodline endures the ravages of all the years. It survives."
The Wind Waker
"I am Fado of the Kokiri tribe. I know I appear to you as a child, but the eyes can oft deceive. I am a most esteemed sage."
The Wind Waker
"That Wind Waker you hold was used long ago to conduct us sages when we played our song to call upon the gods.
In those days, it was always the king who conducted for us...
Please... Tell the king that I will still play...even in the next world!"
The Wind Waker
"Ahh, like a molting snake that casts off its dead skin!
That place is so empty and quiet... one can almost hear the echo of dead leaves falling to the cold, cracked ground!"
-Fishman, talking of the Forsaken Fortress
The Wind Waker
"Ganon has not shown himself above the seas since Valoo unleashed his fiery wrath upon him."
-King of Red Lions
The Wind Waker
"What should we play? What do you want to play? What? You're not here to play?"
The Wind Waker
"Hmmmmm?!? That fragrant musty scent! Sir! You have found a chart! Splendid! Splendid! Show me! Show me!"
The Wind Waker
"You have controlled the wind and crossed the seas, and here, near the end of your quest, the power of the gods has been bestowed upon you...
Surely, from this moment on, you shall be known as the Hero of Winds..."
-King of Red Lions
The Wind Waker
"Surely, from this moment on, you shall be known as the Hero of Winds...
Link! Hero of Winds!
Go forth!
To Hyrule! To Zelda's side!"
-The King of Red Lions
The Wind Waker
"Long ago, Ganon's Tower was an impenetrable fortress that not even the daring and dauntless Knights of Hyrule could hope to assail."
-The King of Red Lions
The Wind Waker
"They are vast seas... None can swim across them... They yield no fish to catch...
What did the King of Hyrule say? ...That the gods sealed Hyrule away?
And they left behind people who would one day awaken Hyrule?!
How ridiculous..."
The Wind Waker
"So many pathetic creatures, scattered across a handful of islands, drifting on this sea like fallen leaves on a forgotten pool... What can they possibly hope to achieve?"
The Wind Waker
"Yes, surely you are the Hero of Time, reborn...
Your time has come...
Come now... Stand before me!"
The Wind Waker
"My country lay within a vast desert.
When the sun rose into the sky, a burning wind punished my lands, searing the world. And when the moon climbed into the dark of night, a frigid gale pierced our homes.
No matter when it came, the wind carried the same thing... Death."
The Wind Waker
"But the winds that blew across the green fields of Hyrule brought something other than suffering and ruin.
I coveted that wind, I suppose."
The Wind Waker
"...That here, I would again gather the three with the crests.
...That I should lay my hand on that which grants the wishes of the beholder.
That when power, wisdom, and courage come together, the gods would have no choice but to come down..."
The Wind Waker
"Gods! Hear that which I desire!
Expose this land to the rays of the sun once more! Let them burn forth!
Give Hyrule to me!!!"
The Wind Waker
"Gods of the Triforce! Hear that which I desire! Hope! I desire hope for these children! Give them a future! Wash away this ancient land of Hyrule! Let a ray of hope shine on the future of the world!!! And let our destinies finally be fulfilled..."
-Daphnes Nohanson Hyrule
The Wind Waker
"Ughnn... Heh heh...
The wind...
It is blowing..."
The Wind Waker
"I have lived regretting the past. And I have faced those regrets.
If only I could do things over again... Not a day of my life has gone by without my thoughts turning to my kindom of old.
I have lived bound to Hyrule.
In that sense, I was the same as Ganondorf."
-Daphnes Nohanson Hyrule
The Wind Waker
"I want you to live for the future.
There may be nothing left for you...
But despite that, you must look forward and walk a path of hope, trusting that it will sustain you when darkness comes."
-Daphnes Nohanson Hyrule
The Wind Waker
This is the only world that your ancestors were able to leave you.
Please...forgive us."
-Daphnes Nohanson Hyrule
The Wind Waker
"You could... You could come with us!
Yes, of course... We have a ship! We can find it! We WILL find it!
The land that will be the next Hyrule!"
The Wind Waker
Ah, but child... That land will not be Hyrule.
It will be YOUR land!"
-Daphnes Nohanson Hyrule
The Wind Waker
"I have scattered the seeds of the future..."
-Daphnes Nohanson Hyrule
The Wind Waker
"Link! I'm sorry! I overslept!
I think it's time for us to say good-bye to this place.
We must return to the world above!
Back to our ocean!"
The Wind Waker
"What are you laughing at, Ganondorf?! You're insane!"
The Wind Waker
"Ganon cannot be defeated by human hands, let alone by what little strength you possess."
-King of Red Lions
The Wind Waker
"That garb you wear... Could you be the legendary hero? Has the king at long last found the Hero of Time?"
-Great Deku Tree
The Wind Waker
"He has returned...
Ganon has returned..."
-Great Deku Tree
The Wind Waker
"You must believe in your own courage, which has led you to triumph over the many hardships you have faced...and you must triumph once again!
You must rise above the trial of the gods!"
-King of Red Lions
The Wind Waker
"You cannot defeat me with a blade that does not sparkle with the power to repel evil! What you hold is useless.
Go back to the world below, and tell that to the pathetic fools who made this blade!
Its power is gone, and its edges are dull!"
The Wind Waker
"You, too, must abide by the laws of the past...and so the time has come for me to teach you the fate into which you were born, the very reason that you live."
-Daphnes Nohanson Hyrule, to Tetra
The Wind Waker
"Now that my power has been restored, there is no safe haven for you!
I have taken your precious Zelda.
And here, you shall fall into eternal slumber!"
The Wind Waker
"So many pathetic creatures, scattered across a handful of islands, drifting on this sea like fallen leaves on a forgotten pool... What can they possibly hope to achieve?"
The Wind Waker
"Don't you see? All of you... Your gods destroyed you!"
The Wind Waker
"I have been waiting for you, boy.
For one like you...
Yes... For the hero.
Do not betray my expectations."
The Wind Waker
"You pathetic little sea rat!"
The Wind Waker
-Beedle, after you use your free complement
The Wind Waker
"Wandering traveler who seeks the guidepost of the goddesses... Place the pearl you hold here." "
-Ancient Goddess Statues
The Wind Waker
"By the way, Mr. Customer, are you acquainted with that adorable little pirate girl? You have a bashful look on your face, Mr. Customer. You can't hide it from me! Yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk"
-Beedle, when bombs are first in stock.
The Wind Waker
"...a day came when a fell wind began to blow across the kingdom. The great evil that all thought had been forever sealed away by the hero...
...once again crept forth from the depths of the earth, eager to resume its dark designs."
The Wind Waker
"But then, when all hope had died, and the hour of doom seemed at hand...
...a young boy clothed in green appeared as if from nowhere. Wielding the blade of evil's bane, he sealed the dark one away and gave the land light. "
The Wind Waker
"Very well, then... Allow me to show you... Your future... Yes... Allow me to show you... Just what hope you have... See how much your precious Triforce is worth!"
The Wind Waker
"Buy something you little imp! Yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk!"
The Wind Waker
"I shall require COMPENSATION!"
-Mila's Father (Rich guy, Windfall)
The Wind Waker
"Seek you the world? Seek you power? Does your soul despise peace and thirst for more? Does your soul cry for destruction and conquest? We grant you power to ruin the world. The power of darkness. Evil spirit of magic trident.
You are the King of Darkness."
-Inscription in Pyramid
Four Swords Adventures
"King of Darkness, ancient demon reborn. The wielder of the trident!!"
Four Swords Adventures
"Urk... Owowow!! I just smacked my hip on something! Well, not my hip... My...whatever it is I have now... My brim? Whatever!"
The Minish Cap
"Hehehe! So, what do you think, Link? Pretty dark and spooky, isn't it? Makes you wanna cry, doesn't it? What? You're...not scared? Well, good! Neither am I! So, um... Come on, let's go..."
The Minish Cap
The light force!
Man. That sounded impressive. If I find it, I'm gonna shout that so loudly!"
The Minish Cap
"Hey, Link, did you ever realize how messy your hair was?"
The Minish Cap
"A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever."
-Shigeru Miyamoto
"Video Games are bad for you? That's what they said about Rock 'N' Roll."
-Shigeru Miyamoto
"Famitsu: What happens when your hitpoints go down?
Miyamoto: Your speed will get slower, and it will be easier for you to be defeated."
-Miyamoto, during an early interview with Famitsu about OoT.
"There are six types of magic, including fire, wind, darkness, and light. I'm thinking about mixing the different types of magic. Truthfully, you can use magic in conjunction with Link's bow and arrow."
-Miyamoto, talking about an early version of OoT
"I think it would be fun if small enemies would come out of the wound of a larger enemy."
-Miyamoto, talking about an early version of OoT
"Famitsu: Does Link have a girlfriend?
Miyamoto: If it was Princess Zelda, it would be great. However, this time Navi is jealous of Zelda. So within the story, Navi feels something for Link."
-Miyamoto, talking about an early version of OoT
"This Zelda was like losing my virginity, in the sense that we were making something completely new and never done before."
-Shigeru Miyamoto, referring to the development of OoT.
"This is the very first Zelda story."
-Shigeru Miyamoto, speaking of tWW before it's release.
"A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever."
-Shigeru Miyamoto
"The talking ship who guides Link throughout the game--I made up his dialogue myself. He also implies the image of Link's own father, in a sense. Since I myself became a father during the development of The Wind Waker, [the ship] has become something like an alter ego for me."
Eiji Aonuma
"Well, excuuuuuse me, Princess!"
The Zelda cartoons
Displaying 309 quotes.